旅行時間:2013.05.24 – 2013.06.09
瑪莉恩阿姨退休前擔任老師,現在仍定期為島上報社撰寫文章,她常說:Once a teacher, always a teacher,因此非常熱愛分享,我說想知道如何栽種馬鈴薯,她立刻從儲藏室拿出發芽馬鈴薯帶我們下田種了一排;吾妹小強說想學烤餅乾,她立刻帶我們進廚房揉起奶油麵粉;我們說從來沒吃過大黃,她立刻從菜園採了好幾把作藍莓大黃派(延伸閱讀:廚娘實習生 * 蘋果大黃派 Apple and Rhubarb crisp)
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瑪莉恩阿姨端著吾妹小強的生日蛋糕出場~ |
決定給我們烤些小圓餅當隔天早餐,瑪莉恩阿姨動作熟稔地混好麵糰,送入烤箱,又一時興起煮了鍋蜂蜜芥末沙拉醬(延伸閱讀:廚娘實習生 *
蜂蜜芥末沙拉醬 Homemade
honey mustard salad dressing)等待出爐的時候,我們坐在客廳面湖的小桌,我問:「瑪莉恩阿姨你有電子郵件嗎?等我回荷蘭把慶生會的照片寄給你吧?」
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瑪莉恩阿姨的小木屋 照片右邊是幾艘我們划的獨木舟 |
瑪莉恩阿姨說的這種感覺我懂的,所以每每一出遠門就像人間蒸發,能不上網就不上網,能不收信就不收信… 只是在這資訊爆炸的時代,多少人能暫離網路手機?
Lifetime of Opportunity〉
Much is Enough?
I wish you enough. This statement was made in something I
read a long time ago. It was used by a person who, instead of saying good-bye
or other such send off, would say “I wish you enough”.
thought about it many times since and figure now is a good time to bring it to
the open again. I cannot recall who said it or wrote it so can’t give proper
credit. Other greetings are used universally so I’m sure it is OK to use this
one. My understanding of “I wish you enough” would be rather than say good luck,
see you sometime, goodbye or even God bless, it’s a little of all of these, but
not to the degree where a person would be expecting good luck to befall them. After
all, we can’t make that happen. Rather than “see you sometime”, a feeling of
you’ll be OK. Rather than “goodbye”, which in my language means, “God bless
until we meet again”. Rather than “God bless”, which if we really look at it
could be asking for God to do everything for us no matter what we did. Rather than
any of these expressions which are all beautiful, we are consciously saying “may
you have what you need”.
does not say what you want; it does not say everything in large measure; it
does not set you apart from any other human being; it simply asks that you will
have enough to get you through today, as that is all we have. It asks for your
health, work, food, comfort, but again only as much as you need.
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瑪莉恩阿姨的留言在書封左上角 |
小圓餅出爐了,擺上網架放涼,瑪莉恩阿姨帶著我們在她的小木屋裡上上下下走了一圈,客廳旁的小房間裡,靠門的牆上貼滿家人照片,另一邊牆上則掛著瑪莉恩阿姨的手工地毯,毯上簡簡單單排著三個大字:That was good.
That was good? 我看向瑪莉恩阿姨,她眼裡閃著亮光:「That was good… 這是我先生死前的最後幾個字,That was good.」我怔怔地望著地毯無法言語,心中突如其來一股喜樂感動… 試想有多少人走到生命盡頭,可以滿足無憾地說出That was good來總結一生,然後撒手歸去?
會的,瑪莉恩阿姨,會的 J
延伸閱讀:加拿大 ✈ 一探哈利法克斯 Halifax、加拿大 ✈ 最美佩姬小漁村 Peggy’s Cove、加拿大 ✈ 好價龍蝦吃到飽 PEI lobsters、加拿大 ✈ 小島燈塔大蒐集 PEI lighthouses、加拿大 ✈ 紅髮安妮在這裡 Anne of Green Gables